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Six Partners,
One Project


March 30, 2021

The First Wave: 1820-1945 – Colliding Solitudes

The first episode of ELAN’s Waves of Change: a story beyond language project about identity and belonging in the English-speaking community of Québec is called The First Wave: 1820-1945 – Colliding Solitudes.

March 17, 2021

Sense of Belonging Forum

On March 11, Y4Y's You are Here project hosted their final big event, The Sense of Belonging Forum.

March 12, 2021

Update on BCRC's Arrivals Belonging Project

The Black Community Resource Centre, in collaboration with Black Theatre Workshop, is offering the Arrivals Belonging Project, a series of online workshops to celebrate English Black histories in Quebec.

March 02, 2021

Waves of Change (formerly SELFIES) Update

The first episode of ELAN’s Waves of Change project: identity and belonging in the English-speaking community of Quebec, features descendants of some of the earliest English-speaking communities that settled in this territory when it was Lower Canada, the United Province of Canada or La Belle Province du Québec.